Singing Guide: Ben Jelen

Singing Guide: Ben Jelen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Ben Jelen

Ben Jelen is an alternative singer/songwriter whose vocal technique is unique and unforgettable. He is known for his smooth falsetto, which he uses in many of his songs. Learning to sing like Ben Jelen involves developing a strong falsetto as well as mastering dynamic control and phrasing.

Falsetto and Vibrato

Jelen's signature sound relies on the falsetto register, a higher register where the vocal cords vibrate more lightly. Developing a strong falsetto involves practicing vocal exercises with a vocal coach. Singing in falsetto takes a lot of breath support, and training the diaphragm to support easy breath flow is essential.

Vibrato is also an important element of Jelen's sound. Vibrato is the natural, pulsating sound that a voice makes when the vocal cords are relaxed. To develop vibrato, try the Diaphragm Bounce exercise from Singing Carrots.

The Jelen Vocal Style

Jelen's vocal style is characterized by dynamic control and emotional expression. His songs often build gradually to a climax and require excellent breath control. To learn how to sing like Ben Jelen, focus on phrasing and breath control. Practice sustaining clean, crisp notes while preserving the emotion of the composition. Consider taking the Singing Carrots educational singing course to cover these essential techniques.

Ben Jelen's Songs

Ben Jelen's songs have a diverse range of vocal styles, and it's essential to learn how Jelen constructs his songs. Singing Carrots songbook can help you with extensive search tools and resources for your favorite songs by him. You can also find his vocal range and other famous artists on the site. Some of Ben Jelen's songs to listen to include his popular hits "Fallin," "Come On," and "Pulse."


Singing like Ben Jelen requires patience and consistency. To develop a vocal style similar to his, use the resources like exercises and articles offered by Singing Carrots. With the guidance of a vocal coach and the use of these tools, you'll have the training required to be a skilled singer. Start by working on your falsetto technique, using vibrato effectively, and mastering dynamic control and emotional phrasing of Ben Jelen.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.